July 27, 2024
Clean Beauty is definitely on the rise. But is it a revolution yet? We think so.

The Clean Beauty Revolution: It’s Here

Clean Beauty is definitely on the rise. But is it a revolution yet? We think so.

Clean beauty is trending, what with beauty experts globally and in India recommending beauty regimes using clean, green products. So, why all this push towards clean beauty? you may ask.

In the post-COVID era, it has become more important than ever to minister to your health. There is now a greater consciousness about personal hygiene and state of wellbeing both mental and physical. We are more than ready to adopt a lifestyle where we are living in a more sustainable, eco-friendly and organic manner – closer to nature and restoring our planet. This is why clean beauty is no longer just a trend but is becoming a way of life.

A research published by the Forbes Magazine showed that people are willing to experiment and buy new beauty brands, if they are natural, clean and sustainable. According to that, two-thirds said that they would be interested in trying new products from other brands if they are natural, and 59% would be interested in trying new products from other brands if they are clean.

So, what it takes to go clean

The first step towards bringing a clean beauty revolution is practicing what you preach. One can advocate all they want about clean beauty and its benefits, but unless there is a personal connotation attached, it wouldn’t be credible. There has to be two tier change – one at the brand level and the other at the user level.

As a consumer you have to start demanding products made from clean, organic and sustainable sources. Ask your brands to give you skin, hair and body care solutions that contain natural or nature-based actives without the harmful additives like parabens, silicon, mineral oil and artificial preservatives. Ask that the products are made using ethical manufacturing processes meaning the products have not been tested on animals and have high percentage of plant-derived ingredients. Then of course look for sustainable, reduced plastic or recyclable packaging – the ones that do not end up in landfill and can be recycled.

From a brand’s standpoint, they need to start listening to what the consumers are asking and move towards meeting these demands. India, as a country with beauty rituals based on traditional recipes, has always veered towards clean beauty traditionally. So, it is not really hard for brands here to cater to that. We are more conscious than ever to move towards a simpler, cleaner beauty practices.

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