July 27, 2024
Face Yoga might be the new exercise you should adapt to. And for that, we sat down with fitness expert Priya Khandelwal to know everything about this practise.

Ever wondered how a simple smile could be your best-kept anti-aging secret? Picture this: a radiant face, sculpted cheekbones, and an overall vibrant glow – all achievable through a practice that’s not just about downward dogs and warrior poses. Enters Priya Khandelwal, a seasoned yoga expert, who spilled the beans in our recent interview about the magic of face yoga. Yes, you heard it right – yoga for your face! Imagine bidding adieu to fine lines and embracing a natural facelift, all while striking a pose. It goes beyond the conventional – a journey promising not just flexibility for your body, but a fountain of youth for your face. 

1. Please share your journey into face yoga and what  inspired you to delve into these practices?

Face yoga was introduced to me by my mom at 25, just before I got married. I went to learn a couple of things good for my face, simple things like balloon pose or  kissing pose to make me anti-age or to slow down the aging process. At 26, I got married. At 30, I had my baby, and face yoga was completely forgotten. At 32 or 33, when I would go to drop my daughter to school, it was always post-workout. When I was doing my actual body workout in the gym, I would sit in the gym and do the balloon pose and the kissing pose because in my head, if I was working out my body, why not work out my face? Cut to back to school, walking to school, walking back from school, mothers, fathers, just generally chit-chatting. The most common question that I got asked is that A, how do you wake up so early? B, how do you always look so young? Like everyone seems to ask…

2. Same question I feel compelled to ask. How do you look so young? What’s the secret behind it?

Lifestyle. What I eat, what I put into my body, my daily routine, my tapping, my meditation, my water intake… And of course, facial fitness. When giving clients meal plans, two common concerns arose: putting on weight without adding it to the face, and losing weight without affecting the face. During Zoom conversations, I’d include exercises with meal plans tailored to specific needs like cheek volume or slimming the face. More interest in facial fitness led me to delve into face yoga, obtain certifications, and explore cupping and Gua Sha. Over the years, I’ve evolved to help people embrace their best selves. Be your best beautiful. Avoid comparing yourself to influencers. Invest just 10 minutes in facial care—it goes a long way.

While I agree with those who say you don’t look your age. Let’s just break those norms. What does “looking your age” mean? Let’s question the benchmarks society forces us to believe. Be your best beautiful at every age. Own those beautiful wrinkles at 60 or 70. But how can we prevent a neck hump or an early double chin? It’s not just for those labeled as overweight. Even those as thin as me can have a skinny double chin due to lifestyle. So, sit up, make your spine erect, roll back your shoulders, and look straight. It’s that simple.

3. That’s definitely a notion that we should avoid judging people with. Moving on, Can you discuss the origins of face yoga and what sets it apart from other facial routines?

Well, it may be surprising but face yoga traces its roots back thousands of years, possibly to Cleopatra’s time, with practices observed in ancient Egypt, India, and African tribes. These cultures valued facial aesthetics, evident in practices like elongating necks with rings or binding feet for smaller size. While these practices were societal norms, they laid the groundwork for facial fitness techniques we see today. Formalization began in the late 1990s to early 2000s, notably with Fumiko, who created structured courses after a car accident left her face asymmetrical. Personally, I discovered face yoga’s benefits after a freak accident caused temporary paralysis in my eye. Despite medical treatments, face yoga helped restore movement through consistent practice, highlighting its potential beyond vanity. It’s an integral part of holistic care, as facial muscles are often overlooked despite their importance. Neck care is equally crucial, with techniques like massage and lymphatic drainage to maintain youthfulness and prevent wrinkles.

4. How does face yoga contribute to lymphatic drainage and why is it essential for facial health?

Unlike the circulatory or the digestive system, the lymph system does not have a pump. What activates lymphatic drainage?It is essentially draining the toxins. So the lymphatic system drains the toxins from your body. Now, when you drain toxins, what’s it going to do? It’s going to give you a skin glow, right? It needs a little bit of a push, right? So when you’re working out, let’s say you’re supremely active, you’re running, jogging, working out, you know, even jumping, trampoline, just jumping at a point, just 100 jumps is good enough to stimulate lymphatic drainage, but a lot of people don’t do that. That’s where cupping steps in. It’s like unclogging a drain, pulling everything towards the heart for elimination. Cupping enhances blood circulation, drains toxins, and leaves you with a natural glow. They create suction, pulling things up and draining them down, enhancing blood circulation, sculpting your face naturally.

5. How do face yoga and cupping result in long term effects instead of going for Botox and fillers?

Do you know what Botox was originally created for? It’s actually a toxin that paralyzes muscles, initially used for neck spasms, shifty eyes, and excessive sweating. Then, it was found to reduce lines and wrinkles, even before FDA approval. Now, I’m not against it; many clients opt for Botox, fillers, or threads. But here’s the thing: Botox doesn’t last. Neither do fillers. Ethical dermatologists will tell you they typically last six to nine months.

This is where natural alternatives, like face yoga, come in. It stimulates your skin and muscles, slowing down aging gracefully. It’s not painful, doesn’t require anesthesia, and you’ll just glow. Plus, it extends the time between treatments. I have clients who used to get Botox every few months, but after practicing face yoga, they’ve gone a year without it. So, double benefit.

6. What advice would you offer to those interested in integrating face and holistic beauty practices into their skincare routines?

The advice I always give is to start now. You’re never too old or too young. I even have kids contacting me for face yoga, and I’m planning to introduce a teen routine on my website. Whether you’re 20 or 40, the earlier you start, the better. Focus on natural methods, eat healthy, take supplements, and incorporate both body and face fitness into your routine. Just like you dedicate time to your body workout, allocate 7 to 10 minutes for facial fitness. After your gym session or yoga practice, spend five minutes on face yoga. Also, rub your ears, two fingers front and back. You’ll sleep better. Your skin will glow. Do it up to a minute a day. It’s the best thing you can do.

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