July 27, 2024
Bindu Amrutham Suganda skincare
Bindu Amrutham, Founder of Suganda shares her journey with TVD of building a clean beauty brand while fighting acute skin problems in 2010.

Suganda as a brand was born trying to address skincare concerns with formulations that are backed by science and packed with skin-friendly ingredients. She has shared some basic questions on skincare which often are overlooked but a very critical part of the skincare regime. 

With age and exposure to sun & environmental stress, it is critical to start a clean skincare routine. All we need is the right products and using them in the right way to get our glow glowing, radiant, and healthy from within.

Bindu Amrutham tells us about why she started Suganda and answers a few skincare questions for TVD. 

1. What is the story behind Suganda? How did you start your journey of building a clean beauty brand?

In 2010 when the market was abuzz with beauty products, I realised none of them was helping me and my son solve our acute skin issues. Suganda was created as an answer to my own problems as well as others by creating a range of products that were effective and gentle to one’s skin. 

2. How does Suganda as a brand decide on formulations and products that appeal to customers?

Every skin type and skin concern is unique in its own way. A generic or a one size fits all approach does not work when it comes to skincare. We understand our consumers and their problems which helps us to deep dive into skin science to formulate products that work from the core.  

3. Suganda has many exfoliating serums. Why is it better to use exfoliating serums over granule-based scrubs for removing dead skin cells?

It is important to exfoliate your skin at least twice a week. Instead of abrasive methods like physical scrubs that may cause micro-tears and aggravate sensitive skin, one should use chemical exfoliants. The latter gently exfoliates the skin without causing irritation and imparts an undeniable glow and brightness to the skin. 

4. What is a suitable AM/PM skincare routine that one should follow daily?

Take it easy and start with a small routine. Of course, it can be tailored according to skin needs but a basic routine like this should be beneficial –  

AM Routine – 





Always apply makeup after sunscreen. 

PM Routine 

Double cleansing


Exfoliating serum(*2-3 times a week)


5. What are some of the best products for dry skin to beat the harsh winters? How to introduce a healthy winter skincare routine?

Seasonal changes call for updates in the skincare routine too. Just like you layer yourself with warm clothes, winters call for an additional layer of hydration in your skincare. No matter what type of skin you have, adding a hyaluronic acid serum to your routine keeps your skin soft and supple. Follow it up with our cult favourite squalane ceramide moisturiser or calendula oat cream and you are ready to face the harsh weather!

6. What is that one skincare suggestion you recommend to people who are in their 30s and above?

While we can’t deny nature taking its course and stopping ageing, we can delay it. My recommendation to people in their 30s or above is to use a retinoid. Retinoids are derivatives of Vitamin A that can help to boost collagen production and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Vitamins and antioxidants can help boost skin’s natural repair processes, while hydration helps to plump up the skin and promote a healthy glow.

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